How is Cannabis pollinated ?
Cannabis is an anemophilous species, meaning that the wind carries the pollen shedded from the male flower and, if it lands on a stigma, pollinates a female individual.
Since this is the case for many plants, the wind is full of pollen from different species.
As there is a strong chance of pollen from another specie to land on the pistils, the cannabis plant has developed a recognition system in order to make sure that only specie-specific pollen is able to germinate and thus fertilize the female ovule.
These systems range are both physical and biochemical between the pollen grain and the stigmatic surface; Together they insure the species identity.
If the biochemical signal is correct and the stigma recognizes the pollen, the flower will hydrate the it with a flow of water from the pistil allow it to germinate.
Just as seeds germinate and send a taproot into the soil, the pollen will germinate and sends a pollen tube into the stigma in order to reach the ovule.
Once the tube reaches the ovule the genetic material within the pollen is delivered to the ovule, uniting with the genetic material of the female flower.
This is the fertilization event and creates what will become the embryo. This embryo will then grow within the seed coat.
Between 4 and 5 weeks later these seeds will be mature and ready to be planted 🙂