The 10.000€ needed to fund the first version of the tool was reached on Monday the 15th of Octobre, a couple days before the end of the campaign. By the time we reached the last day we had passed the target by over 1500 euros !!

Hey everyone ! Long time no see…
We really haven’t been active on the website these past 2 months but we haven’t been off !
Although most our visible activity has only been on the Instagram account we also partnered up with United4Earth in order to group forces and fund the citizen lobbying tool.
We’re proud to announce that a couple days ago the crowdfunding campaign ended successfully, raising over $11.000 with 525 participants! 🙂
The 10.000€ needed to fund the first version of the tool was reached on Monday the 15th of Octobre, a couple days before the end of the campaign. By the time we reached the last day we had passed the target by over 1500 euros !!
If you’ve followed us on Instagram you may have already seen some videos or screenshots of what the tool would look like.
Since then, things have evolved a bit, but the concept is the same ! Here’s a quick video that shows a citizen of South Carolina using the tool on United4Earth.
Get the concept? We’ll be able to do the same for Cannabis legalization on !
Now that crowdfunding campaign is finished the developers have started working on the project. The goal is have the bêta of the tool up and running on United4Earth by the end of November 2018.
We will need some time to test the tools and fix the bugs that will show up. With that in mind, the idea is to open up the tool on the subject of Cannabis between January and February 2019!
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