Bending and/or Securing your Marijuana
There are multiple ways to bend/weave/attach your plant in order increase your final yield. We’ll cover the most known and proven ones here
Low Stress Training (LST)
Low Stress Training is one of the most popular ways of training you marijuana plant, especially for new growers.
The main reason for this is the fact that there’s a very small risk of unintentionally breaking the stem. Furthermore, and as the name indicates, this form of Plant Training exposes the plant to very low levels of stress, reducing any possible negative side effects.
What is Low Stress Training?
Basically the idea behind LST is to tie your plants Apex to the side. This can be done in order to give direct access to light to the auxiliary branches, allowing them to become full Colas, but it can also be done for other reasons.
For example, like you can see on the right hand side, we used LST to improve the light penetration and give more room to each lateral branch. The final objective in this case being the preparation of the plant for a ScrOG.
“No Technique” Training
The “No Technique” plant training is one that is perfectly adapted to new growers or people that have very little time to invest into the training of the plant.
Although this simple technique is very simple it can drastically improve your yield since it will allow your plant to develop multiple cola’s.
What is “No Technique” training
What people call “No Technique” Training refers to a very simple way of training your plant. Basically, all you do is bend the Apex about 90° during the early steps of vegetation and… that’s it!
Since your plant is bent, the auxiliary branches will have direct access to a source of light and air, allowing those side branches to become main colas.
This is really one of the easiest plant training styles that are available.
Image credit to grow weed easy

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Super Cropping
Super Cropping is a form of High-stress training. It is a good way to improve the yield of your plants! It’s a bit dangerous for new growers since you may break the outer layers of the stem pretty easily. The key here is to be gentle and to follow the steps thoroughly!
What are the advantages of super cropping cannabis?
The main advantage and use for super cropping is increasing the amount of nutrients that your plant can store within the stem. Since you’re breaking the internal vein of the stem, when the plant fixes that area she’ll create a “knot”. That knot can store much, much more nutrients than the other area’s of the stem. This extra storage will definitely show in the size of the buds. Super cropping weed is a great way to increase cannabis yield.
When to super crop your plant?
It is better to start super-cropping is during the vegetative stage, once the plant has grown many healthy branches that are strong enough to support the bending but that aren’t too rigid yet.
How to super crop cannabis plants?
The idea behind super cropping is to gently break the internal vain of the stem, without breaking the exterior skin, bend it at about 90° and then attach it in that position for a couple days and up to a week.
By breaking the stem you’re giving the opportunity to the plant to fix that area and create a “knot”. That knot will allow the plant to store much more nutrients within the stem, meaning that the flowers will have more energy available near by.
On our end we’ve tried this on a couple plants, it’s definitely an awesome tool to have, especially if your canopy isn’t even and some of those little one’s have grown much more than the others.
Branch Weaving for Scrog
We’ve done a full guide on training your plant for a scrog if you want to know more, but the idea here is to weave the branches of the plant over and under a screen in order for the plant to be able to develop multiple strong Colas while growing horizontally on the screen.
What is branch weaving?
What people mean when they say “weaving branches” is the action of tying the plant over and under the the wires of the screen.
Doing this will give your side branches (aka auxiliary branches) direct access to light and air allow them to develop as main colas.
The main downside to this is the longer vegetation stage, but you’ll have so many nice and fat cola’s that this should put to sleep that issue.
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