Ecological benefits of Cannabis

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How can cannabis help the climate crisis?

Cannabis, a plant used for centuries for its medicinal and recreational properties, also has a number of ecological benefits that are less well-known. From soil remediation to carbon sequestration to sustainable building materials, cannabis has the potential to make a significant contribution to environmental sustainability.

Before getting into each section, as always, here’s the table of content of what we’re going to cover, if you want to skip straight to a specific topic.

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Ecological uses of cannabis - Table of content

Overview – Cannabis as a tool for the ecological battle

Before we get into the nitty gritty of the article, we thought it was important to make a quick overview.

The relationship between humans have been using Cannabis for at least 15.000 years; it’s one of the first crops our ancestors planted.

Whether for its fiber to make textiles, sails, paper, canvases or rope, its flower to cure illnesses, its seed to feed ourselves; Cannabis has been one of the pillars of the development of our society. 

It’s been less than a hundred years that this plant has been demonized, replaced and the knowledge that our society had built over thousands of years gone, or privatized.

Products based on petroleum have been replacing what we used make using hemp, chemicals replace medical uses we used to have.
In that spirit we’re going to look at  ancestral uses of cannabis as well as newer ones that can be helpful for the challenges to come.

We are aware that we are definitely going to miss some things and we will keep adding content to this article as we discover.
If you are know of benefits we haven’t covered, please contact us so that we can improve this knowledge-base.

Cannabis used for Soil Remediation

First things first, what is soil remediation?

Soil remidiation, a definition : 

Soil remediation refers to the process of removing pollutants or contaminants from soil in order to restore it to a healthy, natural state. This process can involve a variety of techniques, including physical, chemical, or biological methods, and can be used to address contamination caused by a range of sources, such as industrial activities, agricultural practices, or natural disasters. The goal of soil remediation is to protect human health and the environment by reducing the concentration of harmful substances in the soil, and to promote the growth of healthy plants and other organisms.

So how can growing cannabis help us do this?

Cannabis usages for soil remediation

One of the most promising ecological uses of cannabis is its ability to remediate contaminated soil. Cannabis is known to be effective at removing heavy metals and other toxins from soil through a process known as phytoremediation. As the plant grows, it absorbs contaminants from the soil through its roots and stores them in its tissues. Once the plant is harvested, the toxins are removed from the site along with the plant material.

This process is particularly useful for cleaning up brownfield sites, which are areas that have been contaminated by industrial activity. In addition to removing toxins from the soil, cannabis also helps to improve soil quality by adding organic matter and promoting microbial activity.

Cannabis has the ability to remove toxins from the soil, a process known as phytoremediation.

Here are some ways in which cannabis can help with soil remediation, as well as advantages of cannabis in this domain :

  • Phytoremediation: Cannabis is a phytoremediation plant, meaning it can absorb and store heavy metals and other contaminants in its tissues. The process of phytoremediation involves the uptake of contaminants by the roots, which are then transported to the shoots and leaves. Once the contaminants are in the plant tissue, they can be safely disposed of, preventing them from leaching into the surrounding soil or groundwater.
  • Bioaccumulation: In addition to phytoremediation, cannabis can also bioaccumulate contaminants in its tissues. Bioaccumulation refers to the process by which contaminants accumulate in the tissues of an organism over time. By using cannabis as a soil remediation tool, the contaminants are not only removed from the soil but are also safely stored in the plant tissue, preventing further contamination.
  • Fast growth: Cannabis is a fast-growing plant that can quickly establish a root system and begin the remediation process. This means that it can be used to remediate contaminated soil in a relatively short amount of time.
  • Large biomass: Cannabis can grow to be several feet tall and can produce a significant amount of biomass. This means that it can remove large amounts of contaminants from the soil and store them in its tissues.
  • Cost-effective: Compared to traditional soil remediation methods, such as excavating and hauling contaminated soil to a landfill, using cannabis for soil remediation is a cost-effective alternative.
  • Versatility: Cannabis can be grown in a variety of environments and can be used to remediate a wide range of contaminants, including heavy metals, radioactive isotopes, and organic pollutants.
  • Potential for commercialization: Cannabis that used for soil remediation can be harvested and used for various purposes, including biofuel production, construction materials, and paper production.

As we mentionned, cannabis has the ability to remove heavy metals and radioactive isotopes from the soils, here is a list of known metals and isotops it can  that remove

Heavy metals that cannabis can remediate include:

  • Lead
  • Cadmium
  • Mercury
  • Chromium
  • Zinc
  • Copper

Radioactive isotopes that cannabis can remediate include:

  • Strontium-90
  • Cesium-137
  • Uranium-238
  • Plutonium-239

In conclusion, cannabis has proven to be an effective tool for soil remediation, with its ability to phytoremediate and bioaccumulate contaminants, fast growth, large biomass, versatility, cost-effectiveness, and potential for commercialization. The specific heavy metals and radioactive isotopes that cannabis can remediate make it an important tool for cleaning up contaminated soil and protecting human health and the environment.

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Carbon sequestration, capturing C0² in the atmosphere

Historically, cannabis was used for a range of purposes, including medicine, fiber, and food. In recent years, the legalization of cannabis in many countries has led to an increase in cannabis cultivation for recreational and medicinal purposes. However, there is also growing interest in using cannabis for carbon sequestration.

Before we get into the details, here’s a definition of Carbon sequestration

Carbon Sequestration, a definition :

Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in a long-term carbon sink, such as soil or vegetation. Plants play a critical role in this process by converting carbon dioxide into organic matter through photosynthesis. Cannabis is a particularly effective plant for carbon sequestration due to its rapid growth and high biomass production.

How can Cannabis be used for Carbon sequestration ?

As a fast-growing crop that produces a large amount of biomass, cannabis is an ideal candidate for carbon sequestration. When cannabis plants are grown for industrial purposes such as fiber or seed production, the carbon stored in the plant material is not released back into the atmosphere.
Instead, it remains stored in the product, which can be used for a variety of purposes such as clothing, paper, and biofuels.

This makes cannabis an attractive crop for farmers looking to mitigate their carbon footprint. A study conducted by the University of Connecticut found that hemp, a variety of cannabis, can sequester up to 15 tons of carbon per hectare of cultivated land.

Known usages of cannabis for carbon sequestration

  • Biochar production: Cannabis biomass can be used to produce biochar, a type of charcoal that can be added to soil to improve soil health and sequester carbon.
  • Hempcrete production: Hempcrete is a building material made from hemp fibers and lime that has excellent insulating properties and can sequester carbon.
  • Soil remediation: Cannabis plants can be used to remediate contaminated soils by absorbing and breaking down pollutants, which can help to sequester carbon in the soil.
  • Phytoremediation: Cannabis is usefull for phytoremediation, a process in which plants are used to remove contaminants from soil or water. This can help to sequester carbon in the soil by breaking down pollutants and promoting healthy soil ecosystems.
  • Green roofs: Using Cannabis as a green roof plant, which can help to sequester carbon by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in the soil.
  • Agroforestry: Cannabis is a nice addition to agroforestry systems, which combine the cultivation of crops with the planting of trees to promote carbon sequestration and sustainable agriculture.
  • Bioplastics production: Cannabis based bioplastics are biodegradable and can help to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Carbon farming: Some farmers are practicing “carbon farming” by using regenerative agricultural practices, including the use of cover crops and composting, to sequester carbon in the soil. Cannabis can be a valuable crop in these systems, as it produces a lot of biomass and can be used as a cover crop or added to compost.

Advantages of using cannabis for carbon sequestration :

  • Rapid growth: Cannabis is a fast-growing plant, with some strains capable of producing several pounds of biomass in a single growing season.
  • High biomass production: Cannabis plants can produce large amounts of biomass, which can be used as a feedstock for a range of applications, including biofuels, paper, and textiles.
  • Deep root system: Cannabis plants have deep root systems that can help to stabilize soils and prevent erosion.
  • Low environmental impact: Cannabis cultivation can be done using organic farming practices that minimize the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, resulting in a lower environmental impact.
  • Carbon-negative potential: Cannabis has the potential to be carbon-negative, meaning that it can sequester more carbon than it emits during its cultivation and processing. This is due to the fact that cannabis can be used as a feedstock for biofuels, which can displace fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Drought-resistant: Some strains of cannabis are more drought-resistant than other crops, which can make them a suitable crop for arid regions where water is scarce.
  • Versatility: Cannabis can be used for a wide range of industrial applications, from paper and textiles to building materials and biofuels. This versatility makes it an attractive crop for farmers looking to diversify their income streams.

Disadvantages of using cannabis for carbon sequestration

  • Land use requirements: Cannabis cultivation requires large amounts of land, which may compete with other land uses, such as food production or wildlife habitat.
  • Water use: Cannabis plants require significant amounts of water, which may be a concern in arid regions.
  • Energy use: Cannabis cultivation requires energy for lighting, heating, and cooling, which can result in high energy costs and carbon emissions.

To sum up, cannabis has the potential to be an effective tool for carbon sequestration, thanks to its rapid growth and high biomass production. However, there are also challenges associated with cannabis cultivation, including land use requirements, water use, and energy use, that must be addressed to ensure that cannabis cultivation is sustainable and environmentally responsible.

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Sustainable building materials using Cannabis

Cannabis can also be used as a sustainable building material. Hemp fibers, in particular, are strong and durable, making them an ideal material for construction. Hempcrete, a mixture of hemp fibers and lime, is a lightweight and insulating material that can be used for walls, floors, and roofs. It is also fire-resistant, pest-resistant, and has excellent sound insulation properties.

In addition to hempcrete, cannabis can also be used to make other sustainable building materials such as insulation, roofing materials, and biodegradable plastics. These materials have the potential to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry, which is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

Cannabis has been gaining attention in recent years as a sustainable building material due to its environmental benefits and versatile applications. As a plant-based material, cannabis has the potential to reduce the carbon footprint of the construction industry and offer eco-friendly alternatives to traditional building materials.

Advantages of using cannabis as a sustainable building material

  • Renewable resource: Cannabis is a renewable resource that can be grown and harvested on an annual basis.
  • Low embodied energy: Compared to traditional building materials such as concrete and steel, cannabis-based building materials have a lower embodied energy, meaning less energy is required for their production and transport.
  • Biodegradability: Cannabis-based building materials are biodegradable and do not create waste that can harm the environment.
  • Non-toxic: Unlike some traditional building materials, cannabis-based materials are non-toxic and do not release harmful chemicals into the environment.
  • Insulating properties: Some cannabis-based building materials, such as hempcrete, have excellent insulating properties, which can reduce heating and cooling costs.

Disadvantages of using cannabis as a sustainable building material:

  • Limited availability: Cannabis-based building materials are not yet widely available and may be difficult to source.
  • Cost: Cannabis-based building materials can be more expensive than traditional materials due to their limited availability and specialized production processes.
  • Regulations: Depending on the location, regulations regarding the use of cannabis-based building materials may be restrictive or unclear.

Known usages of Cannabis building materials

Let’s look at each of these a bit closer


Hempcrete is a bio-composite material made from hemp fibers and lime. It has excellent insulation properties, is fire-resistant, and is biodegradable. Hempcrete is commonly used for walls, floors, and roofs.

Advantages of hempcrete

  • Excellent insulation properties: Hempcrete has excellent insulation properties, which can reduce heating and cooling costs.
  • Fire-resistant: Hempcrete is naturally fire-resistant, making it a safer alternative to some traditional building materials.
  • Biodegradable: Hempcrete is biodegradable and does not create waste that can harm the environment.

Disadvantages of hempcrete:

  • Limited availability: Hempcrete is not yet widely available and may be difficult to source.
  • Cost: Hempcrete can be more expensive than traditional materials due to its limited availability and specialized production processes.
  • Long curing time: Hempcrete requires a long curing time, which can increase construction time and costs.


Cannabis can be added to concrete to improve its strength and durability. Hempcrete, which was mentioned earlier, is a type of concrete that uses hemp as a replacement for traditional aggregates.

Benefits of adding Cannabis to concrete

  • Cannabis concrete is a renewable and sustainable material that can be grown without the use of harmful pesticides or fertilizers.
  • It can improve the strength and durability of traditional concrete.
  • It can reduce the amount of cement needed, which can lower the carbon footprint of the building.

Downsides to adding Cannabis to concrete

  • It may not be as widely available as traditional concrete.
  • It may require specialized knowledge and equipment to work with.


Cannabis can be used as insulation in the form of batts or loose fill. Hemp batts are made from the stalks of the hemp plant and offer excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. They are also non-toxic and do not contain any harmful chemicals. Cannabis insulation can be used in walls, floors, and ceilings.

Advantages of cannabis based insulation

  • Cannabis insulation is a renewable and sustainable material that can be grown without the use of harmful pesticides or fertilizers.
  • It offers excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties.
  • It is non-toxic and does not release any harmful chemicals into the air.
  • It is resistant to pests and mold.

Disadvantages of cannabis based insulation

  • It can be more expensive than traditional insulation materials.
  • It may not be readily available in all areas.


Cannabis can be used to make particleboard, which is a type of engineered wood product. Particleboard is made by compressing wood particles with a binding agent. Cannabis can be used as a replacement for the wood particles, resulting in a more sustainable product.

Advantages of using cannabis for particleboards

  • Cannabis particleboard is a renewable and sustainable material that can be grown without the use of harmful pesticides or fertilizers.
  • It is a cost-effective alternative to traditional particleboard.
  • It can be made to be fire-resistant.

Disadvantages of using cannabis for particleboards

  • It may not be as durable as traditional particleboard.
  • It may not be readily available in all areas.

“Cannabis Paint”

Cannabis oil can be used to make paint. Hemp oil is an ideal replacement for petroleum-based products, which are harmful to the environment.

Upside to using cannabis oil in paint

  • Cannabis paint is a renewable and sustainable material that can be grown without the use of harmful pesticides or fertilizers.
  • It does not contain harmful chemicals.
  • It can improve indoor air quality by reducing the amount of VOCs released into the air.

Downside to using cannabis oil in paint

  • It may be more expensive than traditional paint.
  • It may not be readily available in all areas.

Fiber boards

A “Fiberboard” is a type of engineered wood product made from plant fibers, including those derived from cannabis plants. It is commonly used in construction for flooring, wall panels, and furniture. Fiberboard made from cannabis is typically produced using the stalks of the plant, which are processed and pressed into sheets.

Advantages of using cannabis fiberboards

  • Renewable resource: Cannabis plants are fast-growing and can be cultivated annually, making them a sustainable resource for building materials.
  • Durable: Fiberboard made from cannabis can be highly durable and resistant to moisture and pests.
  • Low emissions: Unlike traditional particleboard, fiberboard made from cannabis does not emit formaldehyde or other volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can be harmful to indoor air quality.
  • Versatile: Cannabis fiberboard can be used in a wide range of applications and is easily adaptable to different design styles.

Disadvantages of using cannabis fiberboards

  • Cost: Cannabis fiberboard can be more expensive than traditional particleboard or other wood-based products due to its specialized production process and relative scarcity.
  • Energy use: The production of cannabis fiberboard requires energy for processing and transportation, which can contribute to carbon emissions.
  • Limited availability: Cannabis fiberboard is not yet widely available and may be difficult to source in certain regions.

Image source : Hemp Build mag

Cannabis based plastics

We will look at this aspect more in detail in the following section, but we just had to mention cannabis plastics in the building material section.

Bio-plastics are plastics made from renewable resources, including cannabis. They can be used for a variety of applications, including insulation, packaging, and furniture.

We’ve covered the up and downsides of cannabis based plastics in the “replacing petroleum” section, you can scroll down to check them out 🙂

Replacing Fossil fuel Products with Cannabis

Now here’s a big one, cannabis products replacing fossil fuel ones. This may be far fetched but it really isn’t. There are many products we used to make with cannabis that are now produced in petroleum. Others, we’re finding out about.

Before going into each type of product, here’s a list of what hemp can replace :

Replacing fossil Fuel with Cannabis 

Cannabis has the potential to replace some traditional fossil fuels, such as gasoline and diesel, with biofuels made from hemp plant material. These biofuels are called hemp biodiesel and can be used as a fuel source for cars, trucks, and other vehicles.

This biofuel is made by extracting oils from the hemp plant and then refining them to create a fuel that can be used in diesel engines. In the 1940’s, a car made by Ford called the Model T was fueled with hemp biodiesel during a test drive in order to demonstrate the potential of cannabis-based fuels.

Additionally, in 2012, a Canadian company called Hempearth successfully created the world’s first airplane powered by hemp oil.


Upsides to using Hemp fuel instead of petroluem based fuels

  • Renewability: Hemp can be grown and harvested on a yearly basis, unlike petroleum which is a finite resource.
  • Biodegradability: Hemp biodiesel is biodegradable and can break down naturally in the environment.
  • Lower emissions: Hemp biodiesel produces lower levels of harmful emissions compared to traditional petroleum-based diesel.
  • Sustainability: The cultivation of hemp requires fewer pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers compared to other crops, making it a more sustainable option.


That said, there are also some downsides, which are : 

  • Land use: Large-scale production of hemp biodiesel may require significant amounts of land.
  • Energy density: Hemp biodiesel may have lower energy density compared to traditional diesel, meaning it may not be as efficient as a fuel source.
  • Infrastructure: The infrastructure to support widespread use of hemp biodiesel is currently limited, making it difficult to produce and distribute at scale.

Another potential use of cannabis as a fuel source is through the production of ethanol, which can be made from the sugars and starches found in cannabis plant material. Ethanol can be blended with gasoline to create a biofuel that can be used in regular gasoline engines.

Advantages of cannabis based ethanol

  • Renewable: Cannabis can be grown and harvested on a yearly basis.
  • Reduced emissions: Ethanol-blended gasoline produces lower levels of harmful emissions compared to traditional gasoline.
  • Domestic production: The production of ethanol from cannabis can be done domestically, reducing the reliance on imported fossil fuels.

 Disadvatages of cannabis based ethanol

The downsides are very similar to the ones sited above,

  • Land use: Large-scale production of cannabis ethanol may require significant amounts of land.
  • Energy density: Ethanol has lower energy density compared to gasoline, meaning it may not be as efficient as a fuel source.
  • Infrastructure: The infrastructure to support widespread use of cannabis ethanol is currently limited, making it difficult to produce and distribute at scale.

While there are potential advantages to using cannabis-based biofuels as alternatives to traditional fossil fuels, there are also some disadvantages and challenges to consider.
These include the need for more research and development, the potential for increased land use and resource consumption, and the need for more widespread infrastructure to support the production and distribution of these fuels.

Nonetheless, the successful use of cannabis-based fuels in Ford’s Model T and in a hemp oil-powered airplane demonstrates the potential of these biofuels as a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

Another upside we can take into account are the accumulation of the different advantages.
For instance, the cannabis that will be grown for the production of biofuels is also capturing carbon from the atmosphere; The unused folliage and stems can also be used for building materials or soil nutrition, just to name a few.

Image credit : Extraction magazine

Replacing petroleum plastics with hemp plastics

Hemp can also replace petroleum-based plastics, which are not only non-renewable but also have a significant impact on the environment. Hemp plastics are biodegradable and do not release harmful chemicals when they decompose. They can be used to make a variety of products, including toys, car parts, and packaging materials.

In addition to being biodegradable, hemp plastics are also durable and strong, making them ideal for a wide range of applications. They are also cheaper to produce than petroleum-based plastics, which can make them a more cost-effective alternative.

By replacing petroleum-based plastics with hemp, we can reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources and minimize the environmental impact of our plastic consumption. This has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans, where it can harm wildlife and pollute the environment.


Advantages of Hemp Plastics

  • Biodegradability: Hemp plastics are biodegradable, which means they can break down naturally without releasing harmful chemicals into the environment.
  • Durability and Strength: Hemp plastics are strong and durable, which makes them ideal for a wide range of applications.
  • Lower Environmental Impact: Hemp plastics are made from renewable resources and require less energy to produce than traditional plastics, which reduces their environmental impact.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Hemp plastics are cheaper to produce than traditional plastics, which makes them a more cost-effective alternative.
  • Renewable: Hemp is a renewable resource that can be grown year after year, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Low Energy Production: Hemp plastics can be produced using less energy than traditional petroleum-based plastics.
  • Versatile: Hemp plastics can be used for a variety of products such as packaging, automotive parts, and consumer goods.

With all these advantages, are there examples of plastics made of hemp or is this pure speculation..?


How are hemp plastics used today

Hemp plastics are actually already in use, just not enough. Here are some examples of current usages of hemp plastics

  • Water Bottles: Hemp plastics can be used to make water bottles, which are a significant source of plastic waste.
  • Car parts: Henry Ford famously built a prototype car in the 1940s with a body made from hemp plastic. Today, car manufacturers continue to explore the use of hemp plastic for car parts, such as door panels, dashboards, and interior trim.
  • Packaging materials: Hemp plastic can be used to make a variety of packaging materials, including bags, containers, and boxes. This can help reduce the environmental impact of plastic packaging by using a more sustainable alternative.
  • Toys: Hemp plastic can be used to make toys, such as building blocks, dolls, and puzzles. This is a particularly important use of hemp plastic, as children’s toys are often made from petroleum-based plastics that can be harmful to their health.
  • Furniture: Hemp plastic can be used to make furniture, such as chairs, tables, and storage units. This can help reduce the environmental impact of furniture production by using a more sustainable alternative.
  • Electronics: Hemp plastic can be used to make electronics, such as smartphone cases and computer parts. This can help reduce the environmental impact of electronics manufacturing by using a more sustainable alternative.
  • Aircraft: Hemp plastic can be used to make aircraft parts, such as cockpit panels, seating, and storage bins. This can help reduce the weight of aircraft, leading to better fuel efficiency and lower emissions.
  • Musical instruments: Hemp plastic can be used to make musical instruments, such as guitars, drums, and ukuleles. This can help reduce the environmental impact of instrument production by using a more sustainable alternative.
  • Sports equipment: Hemp plastic can be used to make a variety of sports equipment, including skateboards, surfboards, and snowboards. This can help reduce the environmental impact of sports equipment production by using a more sustainable alternative.
  • Medical implants: Hemp plastic can be used to make medical implants, such as joint replacements and dental implants. This can help reduce the environmental impact of medical implant production by using a more sustainable alternative.
  • 3D printing: Hemp-based plastics can be used as a sustainable alternative for 3D printing.

Overall, hemp plastics offer numerous advantages over traditional plastics, and their potential uses are vast. As we continue to innovate and develop new uses for hemp, we can create a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Replacing petroleum based string and fiber plastics with hemp plastics

Petroleum-based strings and fibers are commonly used in a variety of industries, including textile manufacturing and construction. However, the production of these materials is known to have negative environmental impacts, and they may also release harmful chemicals into the environment during use. Cannabis-based strings and fibers offer a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to petroleum-based materials.

Examples of hemp based string and fibers

  • Hemp fiber textiles: Hemp fiber is a durable and strong material that can be used in a variety of textile applications, including clothing, upholstery, and bags. Hemp fiber textiles are also known to be breathable and have natural anti-bacterial properties.
  • Cannabis-based construction materials: Cannabis fibers can be used in the production of various construction materials, such as insulation, composite panels, and bioplastics. These materials are lightweight, durable, and provide natural insulation properties.
  • Natural twine and rope: Cannabis fibers can be spun into natural twine and rope that are strong, durable, and biodegradable. These materials can be used in various applications, including gardening, packaging, and crafting.

Advantages of hemp string and fibers

  • Sustainable and eco-friendly: Cannabis fibers are a renewable resource that can be grown without the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides, making them a more sustainable alternative to petroleum-based materials.
  • Biodegradable: Cannabis fibers are biodegradable, meaning they break down naturally over time without harming the environment.
  • Durable: Hemp fibers are strong and durable, making them suitable for various applications where strength and durability are required.
  • Natural properties: Cannabis fibers have natural properties such as breathability, anti-bacterial properties, and insulation that make them ideal for certain applications.

Disadvantages of hemp string and fibers

  • Limited availability: Cannabis fibers may not be as widely available as petroleum-based fibers, which may limit their use in certain industries.
  • Higher cost: Cannabis fibers may be more expensive than petroleum-based fibers due to limited availability and production costs.
  • Legal restrictions: The legal status of cannabis varies from country to country, which may limit the availability and use of cannabis-based fibers and materials.
It’s important to note that before the 1930’s, the main string that was available was produced using hemp. It isn’t until the bans on Cannabis that fossil fuel based strings took the lead.

Replacing lubricants with hemp oil

Petroleum-based lubricants are widely used in a variety of industries, including automotive, manufacturing, and construction.
However, these lubricants are not renewable, can harm the environment, and often require expensive disposal methods.

Cannabis-based lubricants, on the other hand, are renewable and have the potential to be biodegradable, making them a potential alternative to traditional lubricants.

Examples of cannabis based lubricants

  • Hemp oil lubricants: Hemp oil can be used as a lubricant in various applications, including machinery, engines, and even bicycles. Hemp oil provides superior lubrication and has high levels of fatty acids, which can help to improve its lubricating properties. In addition to its lubricating properties, hemp oil can also help to prevent rust and corrosion.
  • Cannabis-based greases: Cannabis oil can be used to create greases for use in industrial and automotive applications.

Upsides to using hemp lubricants instead of petroleum based products

  • Renewable: Cannabis is a renewable resource that can be grown and harvested on a yearly basis, unlike petroleum which is a finite resource.
  • Biodegradable: Cannabis-based lubricants have the potential to be biodegradable, reducing the environmental impact and making them easier to dispose of.
  • Non-toxic: Cannabis-based lubricants are non-toxic, making them safer to use compared to petroleum-based lubricants which can contain harmful chemicals.
  • Reduced wear and tear: Cannabis-based lubricants can help reduce friction and wear and tear on machinery, leading to longer equipment life.
  • Superior lubrication: Hemp oil has high levels of essential fatty acids that can provide superior lubrication compare to its fossil fuel based cousins

Downsides to using hemp based lubricants

  • Limited availability: Cannabis-based lubricants are not yet widely available, making them difficult to access for some industries.
  • Cost: Cannabis-based lubricants can be more expensive compared to traditional petroleum-based lubricants due to limited availability and production costs.
  • Compatibility: Cannabis-based lubricants may not be compatible with all machinery and equipment, requiring additional research and development to ensure compatibility.

To sum up

While there are some potential advantages to using cannabis-based lubricants as alternatives to traditional petroleum-based lubricants, there are also some challenges to consider. The limited availability and compatibility of these lubricants may make it difficult for some industries to transition to their use. Additionally, the cost of production and distribution may currently be higher compared to traditional lubricants.

Nonetheless, the renewable and potentially biodegradable nature of cannabis-based lubricants, coupled with their superior lubricating properties and high levels of fatty acids, makes them a promising area for further research and development.

It’s important to note that while hemp based lubricants are not a new discovery, for the past 70 years our society has shifted to a full dependence on fossil fuel based products.

We are just “rediscovering” properties that were widely known in history. As an example, for thousands of years high quality paints, vanishes were made from hemp seed oil.

Using hemp in cosmetics

Petroleum-based cosmetics are widely used in the beauty industry, but they often contain harmful chemicals and are not environmentally friendly. Cannabis-based cosmetics, on the other hand, are natural and have the potential to be more sustainable.  

Examples of hemp use in cosmetics

  • Hemp oil skincare: Hemp oil can be used in a variety of skincare products, including moisturizers, serums, and cleansers. Hemp oil is high in essential fatty acids and vitamins, which can help to hydrate and nourish the skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritated skin.
  • Cannabis-infused makeup: Cannabis can be infused into makeup products, such as lipsticks and eyeshadows. The cannabinoids in cannabis have antioxidant properties, which can help to protect the skin from environmental stressors and reduce signs of aging.
  • CBD-infused hair care: CBD oil can be used in hair care products, such as shampoos and conditioners, to help improve hair health and manageability.

Advantages of hemp vs petroleum

  • Natural: Cannabis-based cosmetics are made from natural ingredients, making them less harmful to the skin and the environment.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Cannabis-based cosmetics, particularly those that contain CBD, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to soothe irritated skin and reduce redness.
  • Antioxidant: Cannabis-based cosmetics contain antioxidants that can help to protect the skin from free radicals and other environmental stressors.
  • Sustainable: Cannabis is a renewable resource that can be grown and harvested without causing harm to the environment.

Disadvantages of hemp vs petroleum

  • Limited research: There is still limited research on the long-term effects of using cannabis-based cosmetics on the skin.
  • Legal restrictions: The legal status of cannabis varies from country to country, which may limit the availability and use of cannabis-based cosmetics.
  • Higher cost: Cannabis-based cosmetics may be more expensive compared to traditional petroleum-based cosmetics due to limited availability and production costs.
The natural and sustainable nature of cannabis-based cosmetics, coupled with their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, makes them a promising area for further research and development in the beauty industry.

Image credit : Cosmetic Business

Using hemp to produce paint

Petroleum-based paints are commonly used for their durability and versatility in various applications. However, they are also known to contain toxic chemicals that can be harmful to human health and the environment. Cannabis-based paints offer a natural and eco-friendly alternative to petroleum-based paints.


Examples of cannabis use in paint products

  • Hemp oil paint: Hemp oil can be used as a natural binder in paint formulations. Hemp oil paint is non-toxic and can be used for interior and exterior surfaces. It has excellent adhesion and provides a long-lasting finish.
  • Cannabis-based wall coatings: Cannabis can be used in wall coatings to create a breathable, natural surface that allows for moisture regulation. Cannabis wall coatings are also resistant to mold and mildew growth, making them ideal for humid environments.
  • CBD-infused wood finishes: CBD oil can be added to wood finishes to provide natural protection against moisture, insects, and UV rays. CBD wood finishes can be used on indoor and outdoor wood surfaces and provide a natural, low-odor alternative to petroleum-based wood finishes.

Advantages of using cannabis instead of fossil fuels in paint

  • Natural and non-toxic: Cannabis-based paints are made from natural ingredients and are non-toxic, making them safe for human health and the environment.
  • Breathable: Cannabis-based paints and wall coatings are breathable, allowing for moisture regulation and preventing the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Durable: Cannabis-based paints and wood finishes are durable and long-lasting, providing excellent adhesion and protection for various surfaces.
  • Renewable: Cannabis is a renewable resource that can be grown and harvested without causing harm to the environment.

Disadvantages of cannabis based paint products

  • Limited color options: Cannabis-based paints may have limited color options compared to petroleum-based paints.
  • Higher cost: Cannabis-based paints and finishes may be more expensive compared to traditional petroleum-based products due to limited availability and production costs.
  • Legal restrictions: The legal status of cannabis varies from country to country, which may limit the availability and use of cannabis-based paints and finishes.

The natural, non-toxic, and durable nature of cannabis-based paints and finishes makes them a promising area for further research and development in the paint industry.

Alright that’s all for this one folks ! Hope you enjoyed this piece. If so don’t hesitate to share with you friends to spread the knowledge 🙂

Side note: As we mentionned in the beginning of the article, there are so many  possible uses of cannabis and people doing amazing things that we can’t pretend that we covered it all here

If you would like to add anything, or have any feedback, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Until next time,
Be safe and grow easy

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