6 Best Ways to Remove Acne from Your Skin Using Cannabis Oil

Guest Post
6 Best Ways To Remove Acne From Your Skin Using Cannabis Oil thumbnail

Marijuana and Acne Removal : can CBD oil get rid of acne?

Skin problems are more prevalent in current times. In fact, skin diseases are the fourth most common health issue faced by people worldwide. Environmental changes, pollution, health problems, and lifestyle changes can adversely affect the skin leading to several skin disorders.

Cannabis oil is the latest trend in the beauty and wellness industry that has therapeutic effects on different skin problems ranging from psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and acne. But is it really helpful in the fight against acne? The good news is results look promising. Studies  suggest cannabis oil may help reduce acne and improve skin in multiple ways.

What is Acne ?

Acne is a common skin disease that affects nearly 9% of the world population. It occurs due to the clogging of pores with a combined effect of dirt, sebum, and bacterial growth.

The symptoms may vary from blemishes like blackheads, whiteheads, cyst, nodules, and others. Generally, an acne outburst appears on the face, but it can also appear on other body parts, including neck, chest, back, shoulders, arms, etc. Inflammation, pain, and scars are quite common in severe forms of acne.

Apart from the physical discomfort, acne can also have psychological and/or social consequences. According to a dermatological study, acne can trigger anxiety, depression, poor self-image, lack of self-esteem, and even suicidal tendencies. People suffering from acne restrict their social activities and face social isolation.

lollipop head

What is Cannabis Oil ?

Cannabis oil is the concentrated liquid extract of cannabis that contains two well-known cannabinoids : CBD and THC.

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a phytocannabinoid and main psychoactive compound present in cannabis.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD) is the non-psychoactive compound present in cannabis. Due to its various therapeutic and medicinal benefits, cannabis helps treat several physiological and psychological problems.

Recent studies have shown cannabis-infused products are also useful in treating multiple chronic skin disorders. This rising trend in cannabis for treating various symptoms of skin ailments, has led to manufacturers are producing a range of innovative skincare products for the customers. These companies ensure clinically-tested high-quality products that are available in registered dispensaries as well as online.

How does Cannabis Oil work for acne?

Using CBD Oil

Studies reveal cannabinoids present in cannabis oil can activate the specific receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the body. The ECS regulates the different physiological processes of the body and provides overall homeostasis. Multiple studies  have shown that ECS exists in the skin and performs various biological processes like cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell growth, hormone production, sebum control, and others.

Cannabis oil impacts the receptors in the skin that impede the lipogenesis of sebum-producing cells, sebocytes. This natural oil discourages the growth of sebocytes; thus, inhibiting sebum-cell proliferation and controlling acne. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, cannabis oil can suppress the inflammation and help control the spread of infection by reducing the growth of bacteria on the skin.

Cannabis oil is a potent anti-acne agent that can regulate collagen production and regenerate the skin. Topical cannabis acne products like oils and creams can lighten the scars and give the skin a better appearance. Further, cannabis oil can affect psychological well-being by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Now if you want to try cannabis oil for acne, let’s look at the different ways you can use it.

How to use Cannabis Oil for treating acne ?

1. Topical administration on the Skin

Cannabis oil, when applied directly on the skin can cure inflammation and pain. Salves and balms easily penetrates the skin and impacts the cannabinoid receptors to provide relief in inflammatory acne and controls the sebum production. Moreover, topical cannabis oils are comparatively safe as they enter the skin but not in the bloodstream.

2. Oral administration of cannabis oil

Cannabis oil can be taken orally through capsules. One of the main benefits of taking pills is that it contains a specific dose and helps the user eliminate any measurement mistakes. As the digestive system absorbs the capsule, the onset time can vary from 30 minutes to an hour. However the effect of the capsules stays for a longer duration, providing a prolonged relief from inflammation, redness of the skin, and acne’s other symptoms.

3. Cannabis Tinctures

Tinctures can be an effective alternative to capsules. Dispensing a drop or two under the tongue can assess the minimum effective dose to manage the acne problems. Also, tinctures directly transmit to the bloodstream and have a rapid onset time that can cause instant relief to acne pain. Another benefit of using tinctures is that it can help treat anxiety-related disorders that arise due to acne. Tinctures can decrease stress and promote a calm and relaxing mindset, thus eliminating the spread of acne.

4. Add Cannabis oil in the Face Mask

Infusing cannabis oil in the DIY face mask is another effective way to treat acne. It can regulate sebum, reduce inflammation, and control itching. Also, by eliminating bacteria, free radicals, and impurities that harm our skin daily, a cannabis-infused face mask can reduce blemishes and scars.

5. Infuse Cannabis oil to bath bombs

Cannabis-infused bath bombs from online cannabis retailers are the latest addition to the beauty regime. Warm water and bath bombs together, can clear the clogged pores and spread of acne. Consequently, this perfect combination can also provide relief from pain and boost the mood.

6. Use Cannabis oil-infused creams and lotions

Last but not least, creams and lotions are a good way to fight acne and hydrate your skin at the same time. Acne can be itchy sometimes. The main reason behind itching is the dryness of the skin by clogged or cramped pores. Topically applied cannabis oil-infused creams have a therapeutic effect on itchiness. It can effectively control the sensation of itching by nourishing and moisturizing the skin and reducing dryness.

Final Thoughts

Although research is still ongoing, many cannabis users are backing this natural ingredient for treating acne and other skin problems. The growing reputation of cannabis oil depends on its effectiveness and minimal side effects. Unlike other medications, cannabis oil can be a one-stop solution for treating all acne symptoms and even helps the psychological well-being of the user.

Cannabis is safe, but it is advisable to talk to your doctor before switching to cannabis products for any skin problems. The administration of the correct dose is also recommended. Remember, the right dose is the key to increase the effectiveness of cannabis oil. So, next time before putting any harsh chemical product on your skin, give cannabis oil a try. This herbal oil may prove to be an elixir of a youthful and acne-free glowing skin.

This is a guest article, here’s a little about the author

Grace is a cannabis and health industry consultant who frequently writes about the latest trends in the industry. She has been writing on CBD for a long time now. Through her writing, she hopes to influence as many people as possible to help maintain better health and lifestyle. She has written many informative blogs on other verticals too.

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