How does CBD help period symptoms?
Studies on cannabis in general are very limited due to restrictions on cannabis use and research. For that reason, unfortunately there is no research being done today on whether CBD is really effective for treating menstrual symptoms. This can also be explained by the fact that generally exists few studies on menstrual symptoms.
However there are studies done on CBD and pain relief so we can look into those and see how they apply. We can also look at the numerous personal testimonies, found online and around us, from women who have tried CBD to alleviate their menstrual pains.

There are multiple reasons why CBD is good for period cramps and menstrual pains that we’ll get into in this article.
Research has shown that CBD, or cannabidiol, has proven pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have also shown that CBD can help with mood swings. Let’s look into how that could apply to menstrual pains and why that could show CBD is effective in treating period symptoms.
Why is CBD good for period cramps?
When you have your period your body will start to release a lot of inflammatory prostaglandins. These are what cause your cramps. They are hormones that trigger the muscle contraction of your uterus so that your body can expulse everything it needs to.
The higher number of these hormones your body releases during your period: the more pain you’re going to feel.
Taking this into account, studies have looked at the impact of anti inflammatory drugs on these hormones and thus on period pain relief. Many have proven that they are indeed effective at reducing the amount of pain women have on their period.
Now the good news is that multiple studies, such as this one published in 2020 by a medical university in Poland, have demonstrated that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties. So while studies on cannabidiol and period pains have yet to be done, these findings suggest that CBD can reduce inflammation and thus that CBD is good for alleviating menstrual cramps.
To summarize :
period cramps = your body releasing inflammatory hormones → anti-inflammatory drugs have proven to be efficient against period cramps → CBD has proven anti inflammatory properties!Does CBD help with pain?
Really bad period cramps can often prevent you from working, running errands or just basically anything that requires you to be a functioning human. The pain can sometimes be so excruciating that it’s impossible to continue your day like you normally would without taking a painkiller.
A psychopharmacology study carried out early 2021 showed that while CBD doesn’t reduce the intensity of pain we feel, it can make it seem less irritating.
This suggests that taking CBD will help you feel like the pain is more manageable. It’s not an instant pain killer like some pharmaceutical drugs however CBD will help the pain feel less unpleasant and reduce your period pains.
Moreover research from the University of Arkansas suggests that CBD is a viable anxiolytic, meaning it can help you feel less anxious and just generally more at ease.
Does CBD help with PMS symptoms?
During the menstrual cycle we experience the complex interaction of many hormones. This has a very concrete impact on our mood, especially before we get our period. Premenstrual syndrome (aka PMS) is an array of physical and emotional symptoms (bloating, mood swings, fatigue, headaches etc) that appear 14 to 7 days before we get our period. Sometimes it can be hard to manage your emotions and not succomb to mood swings, and that’s okay! But how does CBD help with hormones and how exactly can CBD affect your menstrual cycle ?
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a cell-signaling system present in our body that interacts with all cannabinoids, including cannabidiol. This 2021 Open Access Government article explains well how it works. Basically the ECS is responsible for balancing and regulating body processes that control everything from our mood, sleep, immune system function and metabolism. A Yale 2016 study concluded that the female reproductive system and the ECS are intricately linked. It also revealed that the highest concentration of the endocannabinoid anandamide is found in the uterus. This suggests CBD can have an active role in hormone regulation and help with PMS symptom relief.